Exporting PDF files

Vectorworks drawing files can be exported to PDF for use as an interactive representation of a model, or for final quality printing purposes. Export settings are designed for maximum usability and the smallest possible file size. Pages in the Vectorworks file become PDF pages when exported. Fonts are always embedded in the PDF, for portability. Layer transfer modes other than Paint become transparent in the PDF. Vectorworks can export the currently visible design layer(s) or sheet layer, or create a batch export list of saved views and sheet layers (Design Suite required).

You can choose between the standard PDF format and PDF/A-1b. The PDF/A-1b format is useful for archiving, and helps preserve the visual appearance of the document by embedding color and font information into the exported file. PDF/A-1b format flattens all layers, and elements of the drawing with transparency settings appear opaque.

The layers and classes in the Vectorworks file can be exported as PDF layers, to create an interactive model representation (PDF layers require PDF rev. 1.5 minimum).

You can export a single PDF file, or select the Publish command to export several files as a batch.

Batch PDF file export

If Design Suite products are installed, or if you’re a Service Select member, you can use the Publish command to export a series of sheet layers and/or saved views from the current drawing and externally-referenced files to PDF; see Publicación en lote.

Single PDF file export



Export PDF

File > Export

The Export PDF command creates a PDF file from the current sheet layer or visible design layer(s).

To export the current sheet layer or design layer(s) to PDF:

Set the view for the export. The current sheet layer or currently viewed design layer(s) are exported.

Set the visibility of layers and classes. All visible and grayed layers are exported; invisible layers and classes are not exported. For viewports on sheet layers, set the layer and class visibility of each viewport.

Select the command.

The Export PDF dialog box opens.

Click to show/hide the parameters.Click to show/hide the parameters.



PDF Conversion



Select the PDF export format

Export design layers as PDF layers

(PDF format only)

Creates a PDF layer from each visible design layer exported

Export classes as PDF layers

(PDF format only)

Creates a PDF layer from each visible class exported

Make grayed PDF layers initially invisible

(PDF format only)

When creating PDF layers, grayed layers or classes appear invisible when first opening the resulting PDF

but appear with normal attributes when made visible

When creating PDF layers, grayed layers or classes do not display grayed, but with their assigned attributes once made visible in the PDF

Use opacity of

Sets the transparency of layers in the PDF file (replaces Layer Transfer modes in the Vectorworks program). Not necessary on Mac systems or on Windows systems when the Use GDI+ imaging Vectorworks preference is enabled.

Gray Level for Grayed Layers and Classes

Adjusts the level of gray when exporting with grayed layers and/or classes

Export linked objects as PDF hyperlinks

Creates PDF hyperlinks for objects that link to another area of the Vectorworks file, if the object and target are exported to the same PDF file. The following objects will create hyperlinks:

Drawing label objects with back references

Marker objects that are linked to viewports (detail callout, interior elevation, section-elevation, and reference markers)

Paired ConnectCAD arrow circuits

This parameter doesn’t affect links created with the Hyperlink tool. All hyperlinks to websites will be functional, and if you publish the sheet layers to the same PDF file (Design Suite required), sheet layer hyperlinks will also be functional.

Rasterize PDF

Exports the drawing in bitmapped format to avoid potential imaging problems when printing or viewing the PDF. This reduces the complexity of the PDF and ensures the reliability of the appearance. This option may result in a larger PDF file and can cause the drawing to appear pixelated at high PDF zoom levels.

In the resulting file, PDF layers will not be available, and hyperlinks will not be active. Also, measurement tools in PDF viewers will not work properly.


Sets the export resolution of pictures, rendered images, and patterns (unless Export patterns at on-screen resolution is selected). A larger value results in higher quality images, but also a larger PDF file. Range: 72–2500 DPI.

Export patterns at on-screen resolution

Exports the pattern size as viewed on-screen; when deselected, patterns are exported according to the specified Resolution

Rasterize text

Exports text in bitmapped format to ensure that it matches the on-screen appearance; use this option when the font is not displaying correctly in a bold or italic style. This option may result in a larger PDF file and can cause the font to appear pixellated at high PDF zoom levels.

Subset fonts

Exports subsets of fonts that include only the characters used in the document to decrease file size.

If you have difficulty printing PDFs on older PCL3 printers, deselect this option.

File Size Reduction



Reduces the size of the exported PDF by reducing the resolution of raster images and applying JPEG compression to them. Select the level of file size reduction.

Smaller sizes can reduce image quality.

None (highest image quality): No reduction or compression occurs.

Low (high image quality): Reduction is two times the export Resolution.

Medium (moderate image quality): Reduction is equal to the export Resolution.

High (low image quality): Reduction is two-thirds of the export Resolution.

Maximum (lowest image quality): Reduction is 96/300 of the export Resolution.

Downsample higher resolution raster images to

Reduces the resolution of raster images to the specified value, resulting in a smaller PDF file size.

This affects images imported with PNG compression only.

Apply JPEG compression to images

Applies JPEG compression to exported raster images that are not JPEGs.

JPEG compression can reduce image quality.

Export Range


Export the whole printable area as one page

When the printable area consists of more than one page, exports the entire area as a single PDF page

All pages

Exports all pages, creating a PDF page for each Vectorworks page


Exports the specified pages only

Current view

Exports the current view to a PDF page



Update visible out of date viewports prior to exporting

Automatically updates any visible, out-of-date viewports before exporting

Reset all plug-in objects that require a reset prior to exporting

Automatically resets plug-in objects that require an update (such as data stamps) before exporting

Recalculate worksheets prior to exporting

Automatically recalculates worksheets before exporting

Open PDF in the default viewer

After export, opens the PDF automatically in the system’s specified PDF viewer

Click Export to create the PDF file based on the settings. If Open PDF in the default viewer is selected, the PDF viewer opens automatically.

If layers or classes were exported as PDF layers and the viewer supports PDF layers, the layers are listed and their visibility can be controlled through the viewer.



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